Day 52 | EV | Automation At It's Finest
The Vanguard, a group of brilliant minds and skilled engineers, found themselves in the midst of a challenging day filled with technical issues and ambitious projects. IX, known for his meticulous attention to detail, was hard at work setting up universal LCRs to streamline their circuits. With only four circuits available, IX made it clear that the old circuit board LCR had been fully depreciated, urging anyone interested to repurpose or remove it. He also highlighted the importance of proper fluid storage practices, emphasizing the need for off switches to prevent overflow in the main network.
As IX delved into the intricacies of fluid crafting and the significance of maintaining space for random fluids in drives, he called for the team's cooperation in ensuring that items and fluids were appropriately managed within the system. Grateful for the assistance provided by a fellow team member in setting up LGTs, IX acknowledged the need for 12 amps of EV power rather than the initially requested 8 amps, prompting a call for improvements in the power setup beneath the Universal LCR room.
Meanwhile, the mountain was undergoing preparations for organization and expansion, with a focus on smarter storage solutions. Tablekorner struggled with partitioning drives but eventually received help, allowing progress to continue smoothly. Craftsmanship and pattern-making remained integral tasks, with the setup of LGTs for the universal LCRs standing out as a notable achievement.
In the bee empire, advancements were made by Jim in fluid extraction from combs, with a suggestion to utilize krypton for blast furnace recipes. The transportation of purified dusts to the ore processing facility was successfully arranged, with meticulous filters being put in place to manage the influx of materials.
Amidst the technical endeavors, system0101 delved into the creation of a soularium block, inadvertently automating the entire process back to soul sand and constructing a second EBF quad in LV. As the day unfolded with its trials and triumphs, the Vanguard's collaborative spirit and innovative prowess shone brightly, propelling them further on their quest for technological excellence.
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