Day 29 | HV | AE2 Infrastructure Begins To Take Shape
The Vanguard stood united, their spirits tested by the challenges that had befallen them. Amongst the sorrow and loss that lingered in the air, there was a glimmer of hope as each member contributed to the collective effort to rebuild and fortify their stronghold.
Crypto Duck, ever the diligent builder, toiled tirelessly to complete the final touches on the corridors and floors of their base. With a new nanosuit adorning his frame and electric goggles of revealing enhancing his vision, he delved into the intricate world of Thaumcraft and AE2. Crafting arcane terminals and infusion providers, he laid the groundwork for an automated infusion process that would streamline their operations.
Cat, with a heart full of determination, dedicated her day to enhancing the quality of life within the server. From crafting circuits to HV repellators, she spared no effort in creating a more efficient and secure environment for her companions. With Vin's assistance, they meticulously set up terminals around the base, ensuring easy access to vital resources and information.
Meanwhile, tablekorner embarked on a monumental task, excavating chunks of the mountain to unveil a hidden secret. With each swing of the hammer, he carved out a space for a potential tower that would stand as a beacon of strength and unity. The peak of the mountain beckoned, promising a vantage point from which they could survey the land and defend their home.
thejims, ever the innovator, revealed a new discovery to his comrades - Caelstis combs, accessible only through the logistics system. With a centrifuge at the ready, they could extract valuable resources from the blocks, further bolstering their arsenal and capabilities.
As the day drew to a close, Nemo shared a lighthearted moment with a gif, a brief respite from the challenges they faced. Despite the trials and tribulations, the Vanguard stood strong, their bonds forged in the fires of adversity. Together, they would overcome the obstacles that lay ahead, united in purpose and unwavering in their resolve.
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